The Oti Regional Coordinating Council organized its last regional coordinating council meeting on December 19, 2024 at the Oti Regional Coordinating Council. The is always organized at least twice every year to create an opportunity for the Regional Coordinating Council Members comprising all the Municipal and District Chief Executives MDCEs, presiding members, regional minister and representatives from regional house of chiefs to seek clarification from the heads of departments on government programmes, policies and projects they do not understand. Read More
The Oti regional Minister, honorable Daniel Machator in his speech expressed his gratitude to president Akufo-Addo for the confidence reposed in him to serve the people of Oti.
The honorable minister also extended his heartfelt appreciation to the Oti Regional Coordinating Council (ORCC) members, staff of ORCC and the people of Oti for the unwavering support and cooperation given him during his tenure of office
According to him, he worked to promote development in the region, focusing on education, healthcare and economic growth leading to his comittement to improving the lives of the people in the Oti Region has been evident in the various initiatives and projects accomplished.
Honorable Machator ended his speech by urging the incoming leadership to build on the foundation laid by his government and encouraged the people of Oti to continue working together and collaboratively to drive the region forward.
The Oti Regional Coordinating Director (Chief director) Reverend Harry Nii Kwatei Owoo in his address called on the RCC members to to join hands and work together to end 2024 on high note.
He also enphasised that, unity and teamwork among RCC members, stressing on collective agenda as necessary to the achievement of the council’s goals .
The chief director louded departments that submitted quarterly reports on time, adding that, the achievements were particularly notable if it aligns with the requirements outlined in the Local Government Act, 2016(ACT 936) specifically section 79.
He also said the ORCC is committed to trancparency, accountability and good governance which was driven by the timely submission of reports leading to the principle of effective public administration.
Rev. Harry Nii Kwatei Owoo ended his address by suggesting recognizing the best performing departments will motivate the rest of the departments of ORCC to strive for execelence in their reporting obligations, resulting to improved governance and development in Oti.
The high table was made of the Oti Regional Minister hon. Daniel Machator, the Oti Regional Coordinating Director Rev. Harry Nii Kwatei Owoo.